Personal Injury Law in Florida
Personal Injury is the area of the law where attorneys represent those that have been involved in an accident as a result of someone's negligence. In its most basic form, personal injury is where one party suffers damages because of the negligence of another. The most common form of personal injury are auto accidents. Other types of personal injury claims include slip and falls, premise liability claims, and product liability claims.
Our attorneys represent Plaintiffs in a personal injury case on a contingency fee basis. This means that the law firm will cover all your legal expenses including costs and attorney fees until you recover. Depending on the type of case, contingency fee cases range from 10% - 40%. For all personal injury issues, we also offer free consultations at our Boca Raton Office. Upon request, we can travel to you if necessary.

Litigation is a process. Justice and remuneration can be achieved, but it is a time consuming process. Because oftentimes clients are in need of financial help at time of accident, we can direct you to a legitimate third party loan company that specializes in providing a loan to you and using the potential proceeds of the case as collateral. In these types of loans, the loan is paid back only through the proceeds of the personal injury case.
Every personal injury case has three components. Liability, Damages and Collectability. This means that in order to be a successful plaintiff, you must be able to prove that someone is at fault for your injuries - that is, that as a result of someone's negligence, you suffered damages. In addition to liability, you must be able to show you sustained actual damages which include your out of pocket expenses, significant mental anguish damages, and or other types of personal injury damages. Indeed, a successful plaintiff is entitled to receive payment for all the loses he or she sustained as a result of the accident. This includes the recovery of all your medical fees, lost wages, property loss recovery, mental anguish (in some cases), future damages and punitive damages (in some case), attorney and lawyer fees (in some cases) and court costs.

Prevailing in litigation is not the final step in the process. Every party has a right to appeal the case at least once. Meaning, when you seek an attorney on a complex case, make sure your attorney has appellate experience in addition to jury trial experience. Moreover, you should be mindful that some cases require a collections attorney in order to collect the monies you are owed. This is often required when the sum being sought exceeds insurance coverage and you are trying to collect from an individual.
At Arcadier and Associates, our law firm has the resources and experience to take your case, from the demand letter stage all the way through a jury trial, appeal, and post trial issues such as collecting on your judgment.
Our physical offices are located in Boca Raton, Florida and Melbourne, Florida. We take cases throughout the State of Florida and can represent clients in all Florida State Circuit Courts, and Federal District Court.