I received a U visa, can I get a green card even if I entered illegally

If you already have an approved U visa, immigration has issued you or is in the process of issuing you an i-94. This is the case even if you entered into the United States unprocessed.
If you have had a U visa for more than three years, you are eligible to apply for a green card using an INS application i-485.
Additionally, under the U visa program, your minor children and parents are also eligible for an immigrant visa.
Thwe U visa program is a complex immigration process which should be handled by an experienced immigration attorney. Our attorneys specialize in Immigration and Immigration Legal Processes, and we have two attorneys who are members of AILA and a combined 40 years of immigration experience representing clients throughout the State of Florida.
More Information: For more information, please visit our Immigration Web site
Attorney: Mauricio Arcadier
Status: Answered
Date Filed: October 31, 2012