I have been served with foreclosure papers. How long do I have

I have been served with foreclosure papers. I have not paid my mortgage payment in over 10 months. How long do I have before I have to move out?
Since you have been served with foreclosure papers, the foreclosure process has now started. However, it has just started. A proper foreclosure defense can buy you significant time, but you must comply with many rules of procedure in order for you not to waive those rights. For starters, you must file an Answer or a response pleading within 20 days from the date that you were served the foreclosure documents.
A proper foreclosure defense can give you a year or more before you actually have to move out. Additionally, based on your particular circumstances, you may enter into a settlement with the bank or Note holder which could include a principal reduction, a deed in lieu of foreclosure, a short sale, or a loan remodification.
Every bank and lender has different programs and there are some government programs which can assist you in your situation. It is imperative that if you are served with foreclosure papers that you consult a foreclosure attorney who is familiar with the practicies in your County and City.
Our SouthFloridaLegal team is here to help. You may contact us via emai at office@SouthFloridaLegalTeam.com or call us Toll Free at: 1-800-411-4023.
More Information: For more information, please see our foreclosure page.
Attorney: Maurice Arcadier
Status: Answered
Date Filed: October 31, 2012